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What is a Dental Laser?

The term simply refers to when a dentist uses a laser when treating their patients. A dental laser uses a very thin yet powerful beam of light energy to address any dental issues. Because the laser virtually eliminates any heat, pressure or vibrations, the dental patient will experience a substantial amount of lesser pain or even no pain at all. For example, using a laser means that there is no longer a need for anesthesia when getting a cavity filled.

When a dentist decides to use lasers during their dental procedures, they are using one of the newest and best dental technologies available today. Dental laser technology is not only very safe and very effective, it is also highly versatile as it can be used in a variety of dental procedures.

There are many uses when it comes to laser dentistry, including:

Internal medicine: periodontitis, gingivitis, periapical periodontitis, chronic cheilitis, mucositis, herpes zoster, etc.

Surgery: wisdom tooth pericoronitis, temporomandibular arthritis, labial frenum, lingual frenum trimming, cyst excision, etc.

What is the principle of diode lasers for oral soft tissue treatment?

The diode laser with a wavelength of 980nm irradiates biological tissue and can be converted into heat energy absorbed by the tissue, resulting in biological effects such as coagulation, carbonization, and vaporization.

Diode lasers use these biological effects to treat oral diseases. For example, by irradiating tissue or bacteria with low-power laser, coagulation and denaturation of tissue protein or bacterial protein can be produced. Coagulation and denaturation of ulcer tissue protein and nerve endings can relieve ulcer pain and accelerate ulcer healing. Laser irradiation in the periodontal pocket can kill bacteria and create a local environment conducive to periodontal healing.

When the laser power is increased, the optical fiber after initiation treatment will converge to form a very thin beam on the surface of the tissue, and the high temperature generated can vaporize the tissue to achieve the cutting effect. At the same time, the protein in the blood denatures and coagulates after being heated, which plays the role of hemostasis.

Are Laser Dental Procedures Better Than Traditional Treatments?

Compared to non-laser treatment, they may be less expensive because the laser treatment is usually completed in fewer sessions. Soft tissue lasers can be absorbed through water and hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. Soft tissue lasers seal nerve endings and blood vessels while they penetrate the tissue. For this reason, many experience almost no pain after laser treatment. The lasers also promote faster healing of the tissue.

Benefits of using dental laser over other methods:

Wuhan Pioon Technology Co., Ltd