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Root Canal Disinfection in Primary Molar During Pulpectomy Procedure using S1 PIOON LASER

Root Canal Disinfection in Primary Molar During Pulpectomy Procedure using S1 PIOON LASER

The outcome of root canal treatment is based on efficient disinfection of the root canal system and prevention of reinfection.

Root canal disinfection during pulpectomy using S1 PIOON dental diode laser in deciduous molar

In this video, we’re honored to have Dr. Neha Pankey, reputed Pedodontist, laser specialist and Divas In Laser from India, to demonstrate root canal disinfection during pulpectomy using S1 Pioon laser at 980nm wavelength in deciduous molar.

Laser-Assisted Surgical Exposure for Unerupted Lateral Incisor Management

Laser-Assisted Surgical Exposure for Unerupted Lateral Incisor Management

Maxillary incisors are aesthetically important, parents often notices it first and are troubled (1,2).

Crown Lengthening Procedure using Dental Diode Laser

Crown Lengthening Procedure using Dental Diode Laser

Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure designed to increase the extent of supra-gingival tooth structure for esthetic and restorative purposes.

Excision of Fibroma using Dental Soft-tissue Diode Laser

Excision of Fibroma using Dental Soft-tissue Diode Laser

A fibroma is a benign scar like reaction due to persistent long standing irritation in the mouth resulting in an increase in connective tissue at the site of repeated trauma.

Comparison of use of Scalpel and Dental Laser in soft tissue surgery Orthodontic Exposure of Tooth

Excessive bleeding with use of scalpel is no longer a concern in dental soft-tissue surgery. 450nm blue dental laser provides excellent cutting efficiency, hemostasis and minimal thermal damage to the adjacent tissue. Advantages for clinician and patients go beyond the mentioned ones.

Wuhan Pioon Technology Co., Ltd